Mitsubishi (2)
07/07 - 09/12
2-4WD, with platform (completely foldable only when the towball is removed, partially foldable with inserted towball or fixed version)
Fixed swan neck towball
85 - 01/00
4WD 2-4 doors (up to OE 00284 est. 05H)
Detachable swan neck towball
2-4WD, with platform (completely foldable only when the towball is removed, partially foldable with inserted towball or fixed version)
Structure code: 24018/F
2-4WD, with platform
Structure code: 24018/C
Structure code: 24021/VM
4WD 2-4 doors (up to OE 00284 est. 05H)
Structure code: 24015
4WD 3 doors L=3.735
Structure code: 24012/C
4WD 5 doors L=4.038
Structure code: 24012/L