99 - 06/14
VAN 35C-40C-45C-50C wheelbase 3950, 35C-50C wheelbase 3.300 rear twin wheels
Fixed flanged towball
VAN 30S-35S wheelbase 3.000-3.520, 35C wheelbase 3.520, not for VAN 30S-35S and 35C with wheelbase 3.520L-4.100 and 4.100
Fixed flanged towball
11/00 - 02/10
MPV, Restyling \'05, Natural Power
Automatic vertical swan neck towball
01/10 - 12/22
MPV, Natural Power, no Trekking, no CHASSIS vehicles
Fixed swan neck towball
01/10 - 12/22
MPV, Natural Power, no Trekking, no CHASSIS vehicles
Detachable swan neck towball
01/10 - 12/22
MPV, Natural Power, no Trekking, no CHASSIS vehicles
Automatic vertical swan neck towball
ESTATE, Restyling \'07
Structure code: 13143/F
ESTATE, Restyling \'07
Structure code: 13143/C
ESTATE, Restyling \'07
Structure code: 13143/VM
VAN 35C-40C-45C-50C wheelbase 3950, 35C-50C wheelbase 3.300 rear twin wheels
Structure code: 13156/1SF
VAN 30S-35S wheelbase 3.000-3.520, 35C wheelbase 3.520, not for VAN 30S-35S and 35C with wheelbase 3.520L-4.100 and 4.100
Structure code: 13164/SF
MPV, Restyling \'05, Natural Power
Structure code: 13163/F
MPV, Restyling \'05, Natural Power
Structure code: 13163/C
MPV, Restyling \'05, Natural Power
Structure code: 13163/VM
MPV, Natural Power, no Trekking, no CHASSIS vehicles
Structure code: 13157/F
MPV, Natural Power, no Trekking, no CHASSIS vehicles
Structure code: 13157/C
MPV, Natural Power, no Trekking, no CHASSIS vehicles
Structure code: 13157/VM